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Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis (G. Cuvier, 1829)

Suborder: Odontoceti Family: Delphinidae

Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis

Sightings in Madeira

All year but mostly from March to November

ID characteristics

Grey dolphin with 3 tonned colour pattern: dark cape, paler flanks and whitish ventral areas
Spotts are related to age, with calves and young dolphins spotless
Tal dorsal fin with round tip
Rather long and chunky beak with white tip and lips

Surface behaviour

Fast swimmer
Normally active and playful at surface and with boats

Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis


Only in the Atlantic, from 40º North to 30º South.
Warm, temperate, subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean


In groups between 10 to a few hundreds


Fish, squid and crustaceans

Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis


Max length: 2.3 m
Adult weight: 90 to 150 kg

IUCN Status: Data deficient
Madeira frequency status: Very Common

Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis

Other languages common names

GER - Zügeldelfin, Atlantischer Fleckendelfin
FRA - Dauphin tacheté de l'Atlantique
ESP - Delfín pintado, Delfín manchado del Atlántico
SWE - Tygeldefin
DAN - Atlantisk plettet delfin
ITA - Stenella maculata atlantica
NED - Atlantische vlekdolfijn, Atlantische gevlekte dolfijn
POL - Delfin uzdeczkowy, Delfin plamisty atlantycki
POR - Golfinho pintado, Golfinho malhado do Atlântico

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